Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

I am not completely sure but I do think this just might be my favorite movie I have seen this year! I give the movie 4.5/5 stars and a 90% on RT. Although It is more like 95% but you just cant do that. I know I can be a little loose with my scores sometimes, but not with this one. This movie is excellent in almost every way. It takes a completely different approach to the franchise and turns out to be the best in the entire series. I know that movie purists would argue with me but in this day and age you can;t deny that this new approach is better in every way. Gone is the thick slice of cheese that accompanied the earlier films and bests the Tim Burton disaster of 2001 in every way possible. However that's enough about the new approach, lets just say it works, and to those who are tired of origin stories or are saying that this is just another origin story, they are right but it is a damn fine one. There is nothing wrong with an origin story if its done right and boy did they nail it on this one. The special effects are crazy good but nothing can beat the emotionally captivating performance of Andy Serkis as Caesar. I mean is there anything this guy can not do! If that's not enough the performances from James Franco and John Lithgow are fabulous as well. As if you would expect anything less from those two high caliber individuals, unless your James Fanco and its the Oscars (Ziiiing) but seriously its the realistic performances that they gives that makes this slightly absurd story very believable, that being the key word they actually made a Planet of the Apes movie that is believable and its quite a fun movie to watch. I feel I should throw and Honorable mention out there to Tom Felton, aka Draco Malfoy who has made a wise choice for his first post potter performance and he is actually pretty good. Throw in the wily veteran Brian Cox and you have got a very solid cast. There really is no point dragging on and on about how good the movie is because it would seem like over kill just know it is great from start to finish in just about every way and easy worth your movie monies without a doubt! Grab some tickets with ease and grab a snack and enjoy some excellent movie making from the CGI to the acting to the primates it is pretty solid top to bottom. Highly Recommended!!

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