Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fright Night (2011)

I give this movie 3.5/borderline 4 stars and a 70%percent on RT, although If I could I would rate it at about a 77%

I watched the original Fright Night from 1985 last night in preparation to watch this new one and I can confidently say that not only is the new one better, but the original is a prime example of an old movie begging for a remake. That does not mean that I did not like the original, its quite the opposite I liked it a lot. My problems from the original are that which endear it to some and that is the dated special effects and the hefty layer of cheese. It was the 80's though and if I watched it in 1985 it probably would have creeped me out, but I did not and I laughed out loud instead. The remake not so much. The remake was able to take everything that the first one did right such as having a great story overall and a different twist on the average vampire tale. All of that holds true in the new one as well. In a world filled with so many vampire stories the story of Fright Night is different and its refreshing, to quote Stanley from The Office "How many Vampires am I supposed to care about these days." At least one more because Colin Farrell  plays a damn good one and is supported strongly by Anton Yelchin  and throw in an assist to Toni Collette  and the acting in this re make is strong. Another thing that was pretty good in the original was the acting of the Jerry (The Vampire) by Chris Sarandon but the rest of the cast from the original sorely needed an upgrade especially the dude that played Evil Ed, thank god he was replaced by a very suitable replacement in Christopher Mintz-Plasse. So after they upgraded the cast the other obvious upgrade between the two were the special effects, however they did not go CG crazy. They really went out of the way to pay homage to the original and by doing that it lets its fans of the old film know they were not forgotten about and lets the new audience enjoy a film thats up to the standards of modern day movie effects. Overall I had a really good time with this flick, The acting was solid, the story was good, all be it a little different than the original but still staying true to the theme of the original. The movie itself is quite different from the first while still being close to the source material if one can understand what I'm trying to say. This film is highly recommended for fans of the first film and easily recommend for everybody else. Including those annoying Twi-Hards, this vampire film should please almost all.


  1. i just wonder why you would place fight club over something like goodfellas, is it the fact that it is a new idea or that De Niro has played so many of these mob movies that it is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Also, i read that you do not really like rom com's but if you were to pick, what would be your top five? I would also like to say that i like reading your reviews and i was a fan of the original Fright Night, i will see it when it comes out on dvd.

  2. First off Thank you for the comliment, I am glad you like to read my reviews, I sure do love to write them! To answer your question the reason I rate Fight Club do high on my list is bevause of the experiance it created for me when I watched it. I did not see it coming and it blew me away. It still ranks as the best experience I have had in a theatre. I was younger when it was released so I did not get to see Goodfellas in the theatre and I think that people bond more with movies they see on the big screen, I could be wrong but it seems that way to me. Overall I think that Goodfellas is a much better technical movie especially with the shot from the Copa-Cobana. Martin Scorsese is my favorite director of all time. However my list is simply my favorite movies which differs greatly from my list of what I think are the best movies ever made, That list would include Still goodfellas and Pulp Fiction,but would also include more supior technical films such as The Godfather and Citizen Kane and the like. Top 5 Rom Coms is tough because I do not watch them much but here goes #1 As Good as it Gets #2 The Princess Bride #3 Knocked up/40 year old virgin #4 Theres Something About Mary and #5 Crazy, Stupid, Love. If you liked the original Fright Nught then your gonna love the new one when it hits home video!
