Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Flight (2012)

I gave this movie 3.5 Stars out of 5 and I rate it at about 75% on Rotton Tomatos.

Flight was a good movie. I did not find it to be a great movie but it was still very good. It was mis marketed though in my opinion the movie was not really what it claimed to be. It’s not so much about a crazy plane crashed that was landed mostly safely in a miraculous way by a great pilot, it was more a harrowing story about a man who is struggling with addiction, being a bad person, and overcoming one’s personal demons. It was a very serious film whereas the trailer plays it up as a fun flick about a crazy plane crash. Also it touts John Goodman as one of its main cast and he is a HUGE favorite of mine. Problem is that sadly he was only in two scenes and they happen to be the best scenes in the movie and it was solely because of him. Denzel was also great as he usually is but again not quite the performance the commercials are saying. I did not find it to be his most compelling performance in years. In fact he did a lot of actor ticks or ism’s if you will and it was weird. For example multiple times throughout the film he does this weird thing with his lounge where he put it into the side of his cheek and moved it around and sometimes, it was strange and noticeable and took me out of the storyline for moment because I wondered to myself why he was kept doing that. Sound wired to gripe about such a small thing but if you watch the movie you will see what I’m talking about. All in all though it is still a movie to be seen, it really is quite good, it’s just not really what hey market it to be and if given the choice I would most defiantly let this movie be a rental. I did not find it to be good enough to warrant movie monies or to buy it for home but most defiantly worth a rental. 3.5 Stars of 5 for me. Recommended, for rental.

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